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My Eyes / His Eyes

In honor of: Archie Blair Fairley Jr.


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We started off walking at this park which kind of reminded me of walking the trails at the zoo with Granddaddy.

Quiet Winter Park

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Bird...or no Bird?


I heard some birds in the reeds. There's one in this picture actually. Granddaddy would've told me what it was.

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The Oxymoron River


My roommate said this is the New River, but it's actually one of the oldest rivers/streams. It seems like something he'd tell me.

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What Hides in the Reeds?


There are wetlands in this area. I bet he'd second my curiosity as to what lives in there.

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A Tart Reminder


A blackberry plant. It's good to remember edible plants, but the only reason I recognize it is because I have the plant tattooed on my arm.

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Eggs on the Edge


A tiny bird's nest on a precarious branch. I wonder if anything lives there now? What tiny birds made that?

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Bashful but Bright


A wooly worm. I hadn't seen one since I was about 7. I looked up what it turns into on my phone. I bet Granddaddy would've told me straight away. (It's a moth)

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Running from Winter


Plants are starting to turn more brown as it gets colder. I don't remember if he preferred the hot or cold. Some things just slip away.

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That Which Thrives While 

Others Die


My roommate told me this is a type of wintergreen. I would've never noticed, but Granddaddy would've. I'm sure of it.

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Anyone Home?


This tree is supposedly home to an owl. Due to owls being often noted as symbolizing wisdom, I think it's fair to leave off here.

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